Thursday, September 5, 2013

Solidago canadensis...I'm guessing

I'm guessing, because I didn't plant it. It just decided to move into the garden last year. I love it against  the overcast grey sky. Which is today !

If it looks a bit nipped in around the waist, it's because it completely collapsed in the recent rain. Next year better staking 

Solidago canadensis or Canada goldenrod, meadow golden rod. Common, late summer - autumn , perennial, 2-5 ft. The bees love it , I love it.


  1. It's so cheerful and warm! I love it too. Grandpa Ott using your cordyline as a trellis is really fun. It seems to have grown quit a bit since you posted about it earlier.

  2. The rain resulted in some curious profiles around here, too.
