Monday, June 29, 2015


Look who I found making it's way thought the Salvia …Dianthus 'Chomley Ferran'

Friday, June 26, 2015

Poppies , poppies , poppies ….

Poppies everywhere, I crushed and sprinkled last years seed heads all over the bare soil , that was the lawn  till last summer. And how wonderful to have they are  ...

And the  …bees 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

In the garden this morning...

I got out early to check out the shade garden's watering needs, not too bad , even the Rodgersia looks content. Thankfully things have really filled in , that helps so much in these hot days.  

Miss Wilmot looks her best backlit.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Out with the...

Out with the bronze Fennel , or at least some, in with the Verbena bonariensis seedlings I dug out of the gravel path. Nice swap over, only one hole to dig.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Back in the shade...

I've finally deadhead the terrible running Eurphorbia on my dry slope , pulled SOME of the  "ugly grass" as my mother calls it. It will we  back the neighboring house is a mass of weeds and "ugly grass" …back to my book !

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A happy grouping...

It's taken quite a few years of trying this and trying that , but I like this years planting. In the past I've had trouble with floppy thugs , spilling over the neighboring plants : Artemisia , Nepeta , both have had to move …not good neighbors

 Teurium hircanicum 'paradise delight' on the right have been no trouble , such a nice neat clump  , bendy purple flower spikes going in all directions. It's even self seeded , but not too many!
Eryngium 'Miss Willmot's ghost' , one of the first things I planted.  Then we have Achillea ptarmica' the pearl' planted from seed last year ,  now a much heftier clump. lychnis coronaria 'occulta' also from seed . And poppies many poppies 

And when the poppies are finished . I see Aster laterflorus' prince ' taking the reins .

Monday, June 15, 2015

June in Bloom...

I found one photo that had just about everything that is blooming at the moment in what was the front lawn : Jolly mounds of  candy tuft that self seeds like crazy at the bottom. Next  on the right a pink Veronica , brought from my mother's garden . Above and all around Lavender poppies , again self seeding freely everywhere, everywhere . Taking center stage , Yet another selfseeder , this one a biannual Salvia Turkestanica , one of the first things I planted . At the far left is the  good old native Achillea millefolium .
It didn't take much coaxing to get the plants migrating into the bare, grass free soil !
Thank you Carol for hosting and for many more June blooms May Dreams Gardens.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Peach lace

My first lily of the year …. Peach Lace' .  Not very tall , only about a foot. Last  year she was a no show, so I am very thrilled with this one bloom !

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rumex sanginueus

I have found a happy trio of edging and ground cover for a shady corner . After  swapping the Black mondo grass for Carex oshimenis .  The one Rumex I planted was now half a dozen .  And a small pot of Creeping Charley has happily spread itself in all directions .