Tuesday, September 24, 2013

beaten and bedraggled...

 with rain and wind and more and rain this week.The garden giants like this Amaranth Chinese giant orange have been toppling over.  But not  the little Kangaroo apple below. It's  still standing , I don't think this one will reach 6ft like the last one did a few years ago.

Castor oil plant just being held up by the Arctostaphylos 

                             There goes another Giant orange,  I say this every year...more staking .
Oh 'Percy' you were looking so handsome last week.

 The  Miscaanthus  has sprung back up and the pool has filled up . So many blooms this year and they match  our brick house.

I really enjoy the bold color combinations , can never decide if I should just edit out some of the dead eryngiums . Come the rains, they just turn to mush anyway. 


  1. Yes, I still have annual poppy seedpods standing in my garden. And lots of general floppiness. My soil is so rocky, staking is difficult.

  2. Oh, your poor kniphofia! They look so demoralized. :(

    1. Heather, I'm just going to run around and snip everything down.

  3. I feel your pain...I was so grumpy the other day, seeing how sad and floppy things looked...staking is the worst...but I was really lax this year in my staking duties and I've paid the price...next year I'll be better, right???

  4. Yes, we are all now vowing to STAKE next year. I'm betting most of us will be singing the same song next year about this time. I don't know about you, but I am already looking ahead to next year and ignoring the present mess.

  5. Ricki, I'm with you on that, I'm ready to cut things down and start up next year!
