Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Pearl...

Achillea ptarmica'The Pearl' a favorite of Gertrude Jekyll . Looking like tiny Chrysanthemums just before fully blooming. I had so many seedling that I scattered them about this spring .
'The pearl' with Artemisia 'powis castle'

The pearl turned up in a clump of Rudbeckia

And in the Fig barrel with purple Sedum ... I like this one .

The Pearl and Fuchsia 'june bride' 
Mickeys had enough of The Pearl. 


  1. Mickey will not be upstaged, even by The Pearl. This looks like the Achillea that grows wild around here. Can it be?

    1. Ricki, That's Achillea Millefolium ( common yarrow) This is known as sneezewort ,the flowers are bigger; and it has more loose and relaxed growth, so it doesn't topple over so badly.

  2. Oh, that's so pretty! Mickey doesn't know what he's talking about. Good thing he's so cute.
