Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New blooms , returning blooms , unknown blooms...

This year I've let the feverfew ,  foxgloves, Erygiums  and even a few Dandelion have their merry way in my "Last frontier" garden.  I'll be pulling plenty up before they reseed this year. 

A new bloom , Anemone 'Wild swan' I remember this one winning best in show at Chelsea a few years back, Mine is  only about a foot in height, I thought it would be taller, maybe next year. Nice blooming time after the wood Anemone , before the Japanese arrive.

I could easily become a Dianthus collector , This one a favorite "Daninty Dame'

I 've dotted these Armeria Maritima "rubrifolia all over the back garden . Here with pink Gypsophila  also  dotted around . I think I've gone for the carnation family  this year , who'd a thought.

I have no idea what is one is ; but I like the tiny rose hip like flower buds . 

One of two Allium Azureum that I can see for the moment, The others ; and there should be many more , have probably been smothered by all the self-seeders I've left to rampage around the garden.

Lychnis coronaria stuffed in a very difficult to fill corner. 

Ok …Mickey I'm done


  1. You always have the best plant combinations. And the cutest pups. Have you had trouble with allium azureum reseeding like crazy? I almost ordered some this fall but was warned off of it, maybe by you?

    1. Heather, I only planted them this year …so far only TWO ;(

  2. So beautiful! Your garden is always filled with great plants and combinations. My favorite is that black and white flower in the last picture!

  3. The 'White Swan' gets my vote, but it's all beautiful. I pulled out foxgloves mercilessly last year, but they still came up in huge numbers. Good thing I like them so much.

    1. Ricki, I have some , hopefully lovely Digitalis obscura seedlings ( small plants) if you are interested ?

  4. Tee hee. I love your fence. I too could very easily become a Dianthus affectionado. I love everything about them, the pretty blooms, the fragrance and the tight, neat, year round foliage. 'Dainty Dame' is just fabulous.

  5. I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake, but I'm just this year getting completely swept away by Eryngiums. The one you have in your first photo is incredible! Absolutely stunning against that Foxglove and the Feverfew...
