Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January Gardeners Bloomday 2014...

Plenty of almost blooms like this Helleborus  Wester Flisk group 'bears foot' or the stinking Hellebore . I can't smell it yet . I do love the red stems and Foliage .

Good old reliable Arctostphylos 'Austin Griffiths' starting to bloom away and now after four years looking  like an established tree.

And A. 'St Helens' also blooming , or  are you 'Austin Grithiths ', I can't remember ...

Many nearly blooms like this Sareocoocca living in a pot, because I can't decide where to plant you.

And my sweet Cyclemen coum still blooming . Surely next month will be a better month for blooms and everything else  . Anyway for many more beautiful blooms visit  May Dreams Gardens


  1. I'd be happy with that Helebore just as it is.

  2. Awww...that little Cyclamen is so cute...I'm always trying to figure out a way to squeeze some in my garden :-)

  3. Actually, I think your garden is doing quite well for a dark January. I've got Austin on my wish list. It really is a stellar plant, isn't it? I need to check my Sarcococca. It could be blooming without me. :) Hurry up spring.

  4. I was crawling around on the ground yesterday, trying to figure out if my sarcococca was blooming yet. Mine still looks like yours but hopefully the neighbors enjoyed the show. That hellebore is stunning!
