Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tell the truth Tuesday...the back garden

 I'm joining Alison  Bonney Lassie   for my first installment of 'Tell the truth Tuesday'                                                                                   The truth is I've not done a thing in the garden since the weather turned cold and wet . And it's been very wet lately , so it is mostly mushy these days. I like to wait tell Feb/ March before I hack everything down . The birds are all over the what's left of the seed heads and dart in and out of the messy planting.
I'm hoping the worms will have pulled most of this down , so it will be less for me to do.

I did rake up most of the plum leaves around the stock tank.

And to tell the truth I've been having too much fun in my Pottery studio , which gets even more messy .


  1. I don't blame you for wanting to indulge in your creative impulses in your pottery studio. You've created some very nice pieces there, and I bet it's warm and dry. I think maybe this is a good time of year for me to have started this meme, there's no end of messy areas in the winter. I like to leave up the seedheads and a lot of leafy stuff for the birds and bugs too.

    1. I only have a small electric heater in my sun room/ pottery . It takes a while for it to get cozy. I'll have to see what it's like when and if we get a real freeze . May have to move to the basement.

  2. Gardening when it's cold and wet does not excite me. Lots of cut-backing needs to be performed here but about 3 sunny dry days are needed before I can move forward.I'm a wimp.

    1. Being originally from N. Cal , I can never get used to wet and cold. But when it's sunny and dry I'll be out . When will that be?

  3. Your garden wears winter well, so colorful still.

  4. TELL THE TRUTH!!! OH, HOW HORRIBLE! I like pretending I have it all together on social media. It is my fantasy.

    OK, now I feel guilty for yelling. Here goes. I went to the grocery store today and bought a bag of spinach because it was easier than wading out in the mud to lift the covers off of my hoop houses. The winter garden is doing great, full of delicious vegetables, but alas, I am lazy.

    Here's my mud hole.

