Monday, December 24, 2018

A vase on Monday and a steamy eight hours

A second 'A vase on Monday" for me ...unheard of , I hardly ever bring things in from the garden. But it is  easier in the winter  , less to choose makes it fun.
I've been making so many vases , so I should make use of them .
I sniped a long branch of my NOID evergreen slender leaf shrub , It was getting too spindly anyway . I've  had it for years , must  have brought it back without a tag from the Cistus 'tough love sale'
Then I added few tiny hips of  the China Rose and  branches of  the narrow leaf Trachelospermum 'theta ' which is a Christmas  maroon this time of year. I think I might just go out and have another look for something else to add.

The reason I have so much time today ...eight hours of Christmas pudding steaming.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous vases! Merry Christmas & I hope you enjoy your pudding!
