Monday, October 29, 2018

Before it's all gone

For lovely Autumnal color that is.                                                                                                                                           Hamamelis 'Jelena ' keeps it's leaves a little longer than the other's 

My mystery daisies get everywhere , lucky for them that they go so well with the Amsonia.

And the Japanese Anemone .

Pennisetum spathiolatum clumps have recovered this year after being dug up and divided too many times.

Leucosceptrum stellipilum 'October moon' is one of the first things I planted in the garden .

Big leaves dropping from Magnolia macrophylla . I've scooped them all up and added them to my leaf mold bag.

Nicotiana longsdorfii just keeps seeding and making more plants.

Another Mystery plant, I've no idea who you are.

My "Tough love" sale tree is defiantly no longer the Charley Brown  tree I brought home  several years ago.

It taken quite a few years . But  the drive way planting is getting there.

A last bloom  ?

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