Sunday, February 4, 2018

Out about in the garden...

A few mild/dry days , and  I was out clearing up and hacking back as much as would fill the yard debris bin , plus a bit more. Like all this spindly and dead bamboo from the stock tank . I also cut back Salix Purpurea  and the Cotinus  and everything else that got in my way.

The shade garden got a good going over . Sometime soon I'm going to lift and divide all the clumps of dwarf  Mundo grass  and the black .  I cut the big  Vitex 'silver spears' down to the ground again this year ( It was sticking out on the leftt side of the path)  , last year it quickly grow back , but a little less huge , so I could walk past it . 

Found more Irises 

Hammamelis 'primavera' once again only has a few blooms on the lower branches , I think it's the dry location , so lots more water this summer.

First almost blooming Polygala chamaebuxus .

A couple more Crocus hidden under over grown shrubs 

Viburnum x bodnantese 'Charles Lamont ' is only small right now , but it's will be  lovely  as it grows and blooms in late winter . 


  1. Your garden offered up some nice rewards for your attention.
