Monday, June 25, 2018

I've got color

A few weeks after my  post on the back garden border redo .  I am seeing more and more color . Now that I have the garden mostly filled in , bursting really . I decided to add more annuals this year . I like easily changing things without having to lift , move or divide  perennials . All of them I grew from seed sowed in May .

The Lychnis I grew from seed a few years ago , and of course seeds itself about quite a bit .

I really need to work on the fence side next.

Cosmos 'Rubenza' starts out a nice dark red then sadly fades , so gets snipped quickly.

One of many different colored Cactus Zinnia , they are just getting started. Only about a foot tall now ,  it says 3feet on the packet .
The Snapdragons were the first to bloom , but many have been smothered by all the Perennials  that have grown bigger than I expected when I planted them out .

And here are all my second string players waiting for a chance. I've since reduced  this crowd . I think probably annuals can be crushed together in the boarder . Some of them can wait till I start to pull thing out.
Amaranth'Josephs coat' . I tried planting a few out early on , but when I went out  the next morning , I found three snails dangling off it , and half the leaves missing , so I'm not sure when I'll be moving these out of the green house . 


  1. It looks great! We did something similar this year with annuals. I hope it ends up looking as nice as yours.

    1. Rebecca , Thank you, I'm sure yours will be beautiful and colorful.

  2. Your garden looks beautiful. Yes, unfortunately the Amaranthus that I got at the swap from your were immediately devoured by slugs. They disappeared without a trace. I didn't realize they were so vulnerable. I'm bummed.

    1. Alison, Those seeds should come with a warning . It was pretty comical to see so many snails on such a small plant .

  3. I’m all sorts of in love with the Cleome I got from you at the swap. It’s flowering now and I want MORE! Do you know if the seeds come true? Or if it’s even something I can save the seeds of? I love the color.

  4. I can't wait for mine to flower , might even be today . I got the seeds from 'Select seeds' . I will certainly be saving those seeds for next year. I have extras if you want more ?
