Thursday, April 19, 2018

This morning in the green house...

The little house has served me well .  

I've got things that I sowed at the end of last August ready to plant out . Things that I sowed in February needing to be potted on. And a new sowing of more seeds ....

The ones that need to be potted on : German Catchfly , Helenium hoopesii,Erynium 'miss marble', Scabiosa altopurpurea,Centaurea scabies,Cleome 'violet queen,Dipsacus 'fullers teasel, Emilia javanica, Zaluzianskya 'might night candy'. and a few more I'm sure ...


  1. Wait, how did I miss (or forget) that you’ve got a greenhouse? How wonderful!

  2. Lori, It's only a small one . I'm always trying to find ways to reduce my huge tarmac drive way space , it's been fun and very useful ,I just need to arrange things around it in a more pleasing way .
