Friday, September 5, 2014

September in the garden...

 Every time I try to take a photo this summer there is a hose in sight. Even with cooler temperatures  this  week , the soil has become so dry that I seem to be watering even more. Today I'll be doing even more watering , with the temperatures up again.

The areas with the plants packed in tight would have needed little water , but I've tried to keep the banquet going for the buzzy ones; and added new plants, so I've had to water a bit more.

 The shade garden hasn't been a problem , except for a thirsty Rogersia: and a pest of a mole or two  up lifting all the planting.
The 'Last frontier' formally all Vinca Major is fillling in , I removed one Azalea; and replaced it with  Epilobium canum 'El Tigre' a California fuchsia ,10" ' 4-5 wide . Perfect for rocky banks and slopes .  You can't really see it behind the grass this photo. Now I have only three more Azaleas to think about. I just wish they weren't red and pink.

I've found several self seeded Euphorbia Rigida along the path , which I've been hoping for…less vacant  space for weeds. 
And finally the front , with hose, again.  We were  happily double digging away all spring , then the temps jumped up and upwards into the upper eighties and nineties; and the digging came to a sudden halt. I'm going to start up again when this latest heat wave ends ...will it end ? I've got 100 crocus and species tulip bulbs on order. I want a mass of small blooms in this area... 200 bulbs sounds like  a lot , but I know from experience you can never have too many bulbs .


  1. I've got several azaleas to consider giving thumbs up or thumbs down to. I love how lush your shade garden is looking. Very admirable with all the heat and lack of moisture. I agree, you really can't have too many bulbs. I can't wait to see their blooms next spring.

    1. Jennifer, If your Azalea is pepto bismol pink like mine …thumbs down ;)

  2. I went to a Joy Creek seminar on natives yesterday. Maurice has a garden on Sauvie Island that he waters not at all. I'd like to see it...fraid I couldn't give up the few persnickety water babies that I have. Your garden looks amazing.

    1. Ricki, I would have been Ok with not watering most of the garden; but I had too many new things in this summer. The shade garden …water, water, water !
