Saturday, March 16, 2013

Foliage follow up , March 2013

My first Foliage follow up , I've wanted to do the every month , finally I got myself out on this " dreich" day.
 Ozothamnus' Sussex silver' a very new and unplanted silvery shrub will shortly be planted in my sunny/dry front  border

Pyrrosia Sheareri 

Pyrrosia lingua 'variegata'

Euphorbia'Copton ash' another new Euphorbia this one only a few inchs tall

Beesia Deltophyilla with many almost blooms .

Prostantera cuneata - Australian mint bush

An un-known Pittosprum, I got this last year at the Cistus tough love tag

Myosotidium hortensia  one of my pride and joy seedlings that I sowed at the end of the summer, bringing  the seed tray in and out of doors when it got too hot, this one is from the Chatham Islands . Where it is cold, wet and windy all year, but, not freezing, so far it's looking good ...slug pellets sprinkled liberally, apparently it's caviar to the slug!
For more Foliage Follow-up visit Pam at Digging 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your pyrrosia in person and hear how it does for you. I've been flirting with the purchase.
