The Alliums are here ! Just in time , as the garden has been rapidly filling in with various greens. A few dabs of Allium Christofiii livens things up. I only wish there were more ! |
I 've been taking stock of the Alliums planted over the years : Christophii, I planted 10 in 2012; It's increased by…1, which is better than most of the others I've planted . |
Schubertii 5 planted in 2011 , only two survivors. They are in an area that gets dug up quite a lot |
These little yellow ones I didn't plant , I think they are Moly Jeannine , this is a vigorous one . I'm going to lift most of them up and move them to a new area that could use a bit of brighting up .
Allim unifolium I planted 100 in 2008 . There are lots of these rampant ones. I like them for tucking between plants . I did make the mistake of planting a few in my mothers heavy clay garden , where they have become a very weedy pest . In my dry garden they're just fine. |
Nectarscordum … 10 planted in 2012, I count only 5 , which is a shame because I would like more .
' Altopurpureum ', 10 planted in 2014 and amain only 5 left. I love these purple ones , so I'll be ordering more.
The only ones left to bloom are: A sphaerocephon , which happens in July. They always multiply like crazy. And finally A. 'graceful beauty' which I planted last autumn . I can only spot 3 out of 25 . If I had read the catalog description more carefully I would have realized they get only 12" tall and bloom too late for the very tall and crowded shade garden.