Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A few signs of Spring...

 Yes some signs of things to come , Hellebore boldly leading the way on this the last days of January.
                            Oh, and  speckily Helleborus niger'snow fever' closely behind

                                               Rubus lineatus already breaking into leaf
And I'm staying warm and dry, trying to perfect the sewing of curves ...very fiddley


  1. It really is just around the corner, isn't it...I've been seing all kinds of signs of life too.

  2. Scott, Feels like spring today! and this weekend should be even better!

  3. Silly me, I knew you'd moved your blog but I forgot to subscribe to the new one in my google reader! Mistake fixed, I'm all caught up and so excited that your Rubus linear us is leafing out! Most of last years leaves are still on mine but nowI need to go check for buds!

    1. Lori, Rubus is the plant that introduced be to garden blogs, after I bought mine ( the first one...died in that WINTER ) I googled it and found' Nest maker ' which introducted me to all the Portland bloggers !

  4. I like your new look. Like Loree, I lost track of you for a while, but now it's onwaqrd and upward.
